(Memphis, Tennessee) This week we travel south down Highway 61 and then turn west onto highway 49, crossing the Mississippi River to arrive in Helena, Arkansas, home of the Arkansas Blues and Heritage Festival, formerly known as the King Biscuit. It was dubbed the King Biscuit after the famous radio program on Helena's KFFA radio which was sponsored by King Biscuit flour. It was called King Biscuit Time and featured the likes of Sonny Boy Williamson, Robert Nighthawk, Robert Jr. Lockwoood and Little Walter Jacobs. The radio program was hosted by my friend, Helena celebrity Sunshine "Sonny" Payne, and was heard for many miles.
Author and Sunshine Sonny Payne at the festival
On Thursday night I accompanied blues man John Primer (who played for years with Muddy Waters and also with Magic Slim and the Teardrops). John had his lovely wife and beautiful child with him and we started our show on the main stage at about 8 pm, following a great performance by Sterling Billingsley and his excellent band.

World class blues drummer Doug McMinn plays for John Primer
I would like to wish a speedy recovery to my dear friend and band mate, Doug McMinn, who is entering the hospital today for some tests. Doug was scheduled to play with Harmonica Shaw and with his father, Papa Don McMinn, but was put on the bench by his doctor for a few days. Get well, Dougie. We have lots of gigs to play and we miss your spirit and questionable jokes ( e.g., "bring me my brown pants").
Hein Meijer rolls a cig before we start playing

veteran of Muddy Waters' band, John Primer

John's wife and sweet little girl watch from stage side

Hein, Josh and John get tuned up
John Primer played an authentic set of straight up old school blues tunes, true to his roots. The band was tight and particularly notable was the affable and very talented Hein Meijer who laid down some solid Jimmy Reed-style rhythm guitar and some burning solos. They don't call him Little Boogie Boy for nothing. I had heard good things about Hein from my musical friends in Belgium but this was the first time I had heard him in person and it was truly a pleasure to share the stage with him and the rest of these guys.

John Primer plays some slide guitar

John Primer on the main stage

John introduces his daughter to a cheering crowd after the last song

Josh Roberts, Hein Meijer

John Primer and Robert "Nighthawk" Tooms

Reba Russell and the late Sam Carr
This year's festival was dedicated to blues drummer and legend, Sam Carr, who died a few weeks ago. Sam was not only a superb talent but also a genuine, kind soul who was never heard to say anything bad about anyone. He was a class act who will be missed by musicians and fans alike.
Next week, we take another look at the Arkansas Blues and Heritage Festival. Join me here at the American Blues News.
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©2009, Robert "Nighthawk" Tooms
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