(Memphis, Tennessee) Tonight's interview is with Victor Wainright, a splendid American bluesman, songwirter and pianist. We have contacted him around 2 AM in in a swimming pool somewhere near Tallahassee, Florida this evening for this brief interview. Thanks Victor for being such a great sport and great friend to yours truly.

Q: Do you write for a particular style or just write to write?
Victor: I write to write.
Q: Do you have a favorite songwriter?
Victor: No, lots of them, Willie Dixon, Tom Waits and Rufus Wainwright and Leonard Cohen.
Q: When did you start singing and playing?
Victor: 8 yrs old... my Grandaddy got me top gigs way early on... I was a professional amp carrier
Q: Can you remember the very first music/ artist you listened to?
Victor: My Daddy.
Q: Who influenced you the most to start performing?
Victor: My Daddy and Grandad, they were playing 5 nights week
Q: Who are you listening to currently? If I was to visit you at home or ride with you in your car who would be playing on the radio or cd player?
Victor: Ray Charles, Robert Nighthawk... I love Howlin' Wolf, he's my favorite. If I had a name like Chester Burnett I would never change it. Oh, yeah, and Joe Ligon, the Mighty Clouds of Joy.
Q: Where was the first place that you can remember getting paid to play?
Victor: Oh my God, Jason's Coffee Shop, 25 whole dollars.
Q: What year was it?
Victor: 1999
Q: What is your favorite place to play?
Victor: In my garage. Also, Bradfordville Blues Club... it's in a corn field down a dirt road and they actually pay.
Q: What is the worse place you played?
Victor: Oh man, I don't know if I should answer that.
Q: Where was the largest audience you performed for?
Victor: Ottawa, Canada Blues Fest
Q: Who are some of the artist’s you have played with?
Victor: Robert Nighthawk, Reba Russell, Rev. Billy C. Wirtz, Josh Roberts
Q: How hard is it to keep a solid band together?
Victor: Hard as hell.
Q: Tell me about the gear you use?
Victor: Roland rd-700
Q: Can you tell me what your next move in the blues world is going to be?
Victor: Praying for a gig on the blues cruise.
Q: Any secrets you want to share?
Victor: I transpose like a mofo.
Q: Where were you born?
Victor: Savannah, Georgia
Q: When did you start performing?
Victor: 8-10 yrs old
Q: With whom?
Victor: Dad, Grandad and uncle.
Q: What sort of jobs have you held to support you performing career?
Victor: Air traffic controller...I actually have a degree... that's why my Daddy calls me a $100,000 keyboard player.
Q: What musical instruments do you play?
Victor: Piano, organ, harmonica
Q: Can you remember the very first music/ artist and song you listened to?
Victor: If it wasn't my Daddy it would be " May the Circle be Unbroken" followed closely by "Georgia" by Ray Charles.
Q: Who influenced you the most to start performing?
Victor: My family, my Dad, Grandad and my uncle.
Q: Where can I get your record?
VIctor: www.wildrootsrecords.com and it is a compilation of all original tunes except one tune.
It's different... you go inside a blues store and you often get the same record... Stephen Dees set out to do something different.
Q: Anything you want to tell the folks out here?
Victor: If there's one thing... to keep live blues music alive we need you to come by to hear us play.
Victor Wainwright's cd is available at the following link:
Victor is one of the finest up and coming artists in the blues genre and you would be way ahead of the curve to have his cd. I wholeheartedly endorse this music as a great Christmas present.
Click here http://www.ameriblues.com/
©2009, Robert "Nighthawk" Tooms
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